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«...τῇ γαρ χάριτί ἐστε σεσωσμένοι διά τῆς πίστεως· και τοῦτο οὐκ ἐξ ὑμῶν, Θεοῦ τὸ δῶρον, οὐκ ἐξ ἔργων, ἵνα μή τις καυχήσηται. αὐτοῦ γάρ ἐσμεν ποίημα, κτισθέντες ἐν Χριστῷ ᾿Ιησοῦ ἐπι ἔργοις ἀγαθοῖς, οἷς προητοίμασεν ὁ Θεός ἵνα ἐν αὐτοῖς περιπατήσωμεν...» (Εφεσίους β’ 8-10)

«...Πολλοί εσμέν οι λέγοντες, ολίγοι δε οι ποιούντες. αλλ’ούν τον λόγον του Θεού ουδείς ώφειλε νοθεύειν διά την ιδίαν αμέλειαν, αλλ’ ομολογείν μεν την εαυτού ασθένειαν, μη αποκρύπτειν δε την του Θεού αλήθειαν, ίνα μή υπόδικοι γενώμεθα, μετά της των εντολών παραβάσεως, και της του λόγου του Θεού παρεξηγήσεως...» (Άγιος Μάξιμος ο Ομολογητής p.g.90,1069.360)

AI inspirational KATADIKASTIKAI DECISIONS OF THE ONE,, holy water, CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH ORTHODOX IN THE NEW CALENDAR Not None Ecclesiastes kaί no reason Ecclesiastical aitίas, katά the first tέtarton 20th century proέkypsen calendar kaί Schίsma problem in the body of one, Hagia, Catholic, Apostolic Church kaί Christ.The Orthodox Church, already from the 16th century, the Ecumenical diά kύrous Orthodox Synod of 1583, of 1587 kaί of 1593, he condemned tήn Since 1582 by the Pope Gregory XIII kainotomίan change Imerologίou kaί had a tradition in ANATHEMA tήn tropopoίisin With both of Paschalίou kaί of Minologίou.Parά However, metά than 350 years tήn decades of the 1920 evrέthisan achreioitinέs tolmitίai kaί antichristitai (formerly katά characterization of the Ecumenical Patriarch of trans Ieremίou B), organ of the lurking Evraiomassonίas kaί of Satan, who anomos kaί eknomos unlawfully kaί athέsmos, irregularly kaί Praxiopimatikos, eisήgagon the daίmona kaί aftomάtos of the Pope, not gradually or in stages, but as astrapή, exited the Sώmatos the Church of God. Katepάtisan tάs Theopneύstous Apofάseis the Church and so apeschίsthisan thereof. Efήrmosan Anathematismέnon Nέon the papal calendar kaί so proekάlesan Mέga kaί Atherάpefton Schίsma which exelίchthi in heresy.The decision of the Pan-Orthodox Synod of 1583 expressly provlέpei kaί categorically that:"Whoever dέn sequence tά ethima (sic) of the Church, kathώs century Eptά Oikoumenikaί holy Synod ethέspisan kaί Mount Pάscha kaί the almanac Welcome enomothέtisan nά akolouthomen, kaί thέlei nά follow the neoefeύreton Paschάlion, kaί Nέon almanac of astronomy athέon Pope, kaί enantiώnetai aftά at all, kaί thέlei nά anatrέpsῃ kaί nά chalάsῃ tά patroparάdota doctrine kaί ethima (sic) of the Church, let us echi anathema, kaί OUT of Christ Church and the faithful omigύreos so be it.You dέ kaί orthodoxy pious Christians, in mέnete ois emάthete kaί egennήthite kaί anetrάfite kaί kalέsῃ when the weather kaί chreίa, kaί this blood you nά chύnete diά nά fylάxete tήn patroparάdoton Pίstin kaί Omologίan your kaί fylάgesthe Apo toioύton, kaί prosέchete. INA kaί son Lord Jesus Christ helps the AMA kaί efchή of our Humility Lin metά all things YOU. Amήn. "The Chάris of God, the blessing kaί Efchaί century the Church synodeύoun whoever diafylάssoun tά Ierά thespίsmata perί of Imerologίou, keep tήn patroparάdoton Pίstin kaί Omologίan, kaί aspάzontai whatsoever century Eptά holy Synod Oikoumenikaί kathώrisan.Re enantίas, those violating tάs Entolάs the Church of God follows the kaί Nέon papal calendar, attract epί the head of these horrible anathema exorίzontai of God's kingdom, chorίzontai from tήn Agίan Triάda, cuts Sώmatos of the Church of Christ, in kaί tέlei deprived of Divine Chάritos of salvation makarίou kaί Aionίou of life.Aftή is the friktή Apofasis the 1583 calendar katά Latin Kainotomίas. The aftή friktή Apofasis of 1583 ekyrώthi in epanάlipsin synodically kaί Pan-Orthodox, in 1587, in 1593, in 1722, the 1756, 1836, 1848, 1895, kaί 1904. Therefore recommends that recipients universally church rules, Orion eternal kaί Ametάtheton. Dέn is merely Collector axίas archaioprepέs keimήlion, as old coinage. Neither, from enantίas, constitutes parochimέnin myopikήn prokatάlipsin. The perί Imerologίou Cleric inspirational thέspisma dέn an historic kathίzima. Consists Pneύmatos Agίou Nomothέtima.The aftή friktή Apofasis katά change imerologίou ypegrάfi under toioύtou anastήmatos ecclesiastical men of Constantinople as it was Ieremίas B C Tran (1572-1595), the Alexandreίas Sίlvestros (1566-1590), the Jerusalem Sophronius D (1579-1608), kaί later elsewhere Alexandreίas kaί epί dietίan Epitiritήs the throne of Constantinople, Meletios Pegas son (1590-1601).Ai Apofάseis aftaί the Orthodox synod is ORISTIKAI, irrevocable, final and KATADIKASTIKAI DI ALL PARAVATAS. Dέn dύnatai oudemίa other mellontikή Synod nά tropopoiήsῃ or alloiώsῃ aftάs. The Kaί paravaίnontes aftάs dέn is Detainees at mellontikήn • Synod already Prodedikasmέnoi kaί Katadedikasmέnoi.Prέpei nά gnorίzῃ kάthe Orthodox Christians that symfώnos to the normal kaί ECCLESIASTICAL law of the Orthodox Church of Christ, kάthe Apofasis the Orthodox Ecumenical Synod is THEOPNEFSTOS. Through him, to be issued tῇ epineύsei kaί kathodigήsei of Panagίou Pneύmatos, is eternal kaί Ametάthetos, dέn epidέchetai no Anairέseos or Alloiώseos, kaί constitutes Pigήn Dikaίou rules.I went canon law diά tήn Orthodox Church, tήn Mίan, Agίan, Katholikήn kaί Apostolikήn Church are:The Hagia Grafή, Palaiά kaί Kainή Testament,The Ierά Parάdosis, Graptή kaί Proforikή,The Apostolikoί rules,The rules of the Ecumenical Councils kathώs kaί all who rule local Synod Fathers or saints recognized by Oikoumenikάs Escorts, kaίApofάseis century of Orthodox Synod.Dέn dύnatai oudemίa Oikoumenikή or other Orthodox Synod in mέllon nά tropopoiήsῃ, or allάxῃ alloiώsῃ mίan proigoumέnin, rather whether or nά antistrέpsῃ akyrώsῃ or athetήsῃ aftήn, because in toiaύti periptώsei thά antifέreto in itself was the Spirit who spoke Panάgion diά of logῳ Synod.Ischύs of the Orthodox Ecumenical kaί Ecclesiastes nomothetimάton dέn is parodikή.Dέn legislature or the Orthodox Church of God as Al kosmikaί politeiai, katά way cachet nά epidέchetai mellontikήn anatheώrisin kaί anatropήn. Dέn thά pointless nά nomothetῇ diά kάti which dέn thά echῃ continuous ischύn kaί thά dύnatai mίa epomέni Synod nά the allάxῃ.Nomothetei in Pneύmati Agίῳ kaί dέn meaningful nor thέsin or treptotis in tάs Apofάseis it. Oudέn differently temporary or anίschyron in toύs Theopneύstous Law of the Church of God. Pasha Apofasis the Orthodox Ecumenical Synod is Oristikή, Ametάklitos, Telesίdikos kaί Desmeftikή diά toύs Pistoύs. Tά mέli the Church of God is ypochreomέna nά ypakoύoun kaί discipline in aftήn.In enantίan perίptosin, the apeithountes kaί mή peitharchoutes subjected in tάs Arάs kaί tά Epitίmia session the opoίa tήn exέdoken. Subject epίsis kaί in tά epivlithέnta anathema of the Church universally, one kingdom of God, embrace opoίa She has delivered decision in Pasang toiaύtin tήn genikήn Nomothesίan this kaί She has thespίsei toύs ypάrchontas normally diά tήn metά unity of God. The enantioύmenoi in tάs perί Pίsteos Apofάseis of the Church is dέn Detainees diά nά barley in Mέllon under another session. Already kέkrintai kaί already katάdikoi as a preconceived views.His apokefalistheίs dέn ekpnέei when he kaί eάn ypάrxῃ mellontikή iatrikή gnomάtefsis that apέthanen. Already dead when tῇ sfagῇ of kaί dέn chreiάzetai gnomάtefsis diά nά choristhῇ from the body or the psychή. Dέn dynάmei is dead until ekdothῇ gnomάtefsis but is Truly Dead kaί prίn tήn ekdosίn from it.His paravaίnon Theopneύstous Apofάseis Orthodox Synod apothnήskei spiritually kaί ecclesiastically AMA tῇ paravάsei. Parάvasis of Orthodox Apofάseon dέn simaίnei ypodikίa. Simaίnei exosis from tήn Church, separation from God kaί apώleia Aionίou life. The Saint Amfilohije Ikonίou kάthe warns Christians that the ypopίpton in ecclesiastical ANATHEMA yfίstatai tήn directly apώleian Chάritos the Divine: "As gάr vaptistheίs at Christos Christou enedύso so apodimήsas from the Church exedύso christs" (Katά cashiered or Gemelliton 7)

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